Tuesday, May 29, 2012


       (Lawrence Kohlberg)

LEVEL ONE (up to age nine)


Stage 1: Punishment - Obedience Orientation

             Rules are obeyed to avoid punishment.

Stage 2: Personal Reward Orientation

             Personal needs determine right and wrong.

             Actions are based on self-satisfaction. They

             help those who help them.

LEVEL TWO (typical of age 9-20)


Stage 3: Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation

             Desirable behavior pleases others; conforms to

             the rules of the group to remain accepted.

Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation

            Fixed rules must be established and obeyed. It

            is essential to respect authority.

LEVEL THREE (usually after 20)


Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation

            Rules are needed but the rights of the individual should be protected.

Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle Orientation

             Moral decisions are made in terms of self-chosen

             ethical principles.



1 comment:

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